Whether you’ve been getting tattoos for years or this is your first one, a new tattoo is exciting and can be a fun experience if you are well prepared mentally and physically. We’ve put together a list of 6 things that can help you get prepared for your fresh ink to give you the best tattoo experience possible.
Alcohol + Blood Thinners
It seems obvious, but to break it down simply, tattoos are done with a small needle/ grouping of needles that penetrate the ink into the skin at a certain depth and consistency creating the lines and shading for the art. Because this is a somewhat invasive procedure that involves opening up the skin, most people do bleed at least a little bit, especially if there is a lot of color packing/ shading involved. If excessive bleeding is present, it can affect the healing process by literally pushing the ink up and out of the skin. Because of this, things that will thin the blood must be avoided for at least 12 ours prior to the tattoo appointment. This includes NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, Aleve, Aspirin, etc), Fish/ Omega Oils, and of course, excessive amounts of alcohol.
Go ahead and double fist your bevs… just wait til after your tattoo ;)
Similar to alcohol and over the counter pain medications, caffeine is also a vasodilator, which enlarges the blood vessels and increases blood flow. Consumption of caffeine prior to an appointment will also make it harder to sit still, as it increases your heart rate and diminishes your ability to relax. We all love our morning cup of joe and if that’s all it takes to get you going for the day, go ahead and have it 4-6 hours prior to your appointment. For best results and max relax-ability, we recommend just skipping it altogether. You probably won’t feel tired after the adrenaline of a new tattoo, trust us.
Monster, you can sponsor us any time.
Sun Exposure
You just got back from Hawaii and are recovering from being a little over baked? Probably best to reschedule that tattoo appointment. Skin that has recently been over exposed to the sun or that is currently sunburned is not the perfect canvas for some new ink because it lacks moisture, can lead to infection and excessive peeling, which will ultimately affect how well your tattoo heals. Hydration is your best buddy when it comes to getting tattooed and caring for your new tattoo. Which leads us to our next point…
It’s 2023 and there are a million fun ways to stay hydrated nowadays, so what’s the excuse? Hydrated skin is nice and plump, which creates the perfect surface for tattoo artists. Beyond that, staying hydrated inside and out will help your tattoo heal faster and more perfectly reducing the need for a touch up by quite a bit. Being hydrated can also reduce anxiety and will be a less painful experience altogether- just remember to use the restroom prior to starting the actual tattoo so you don’t annoy your artist.
Sleep is the most important part of anyone’s health routine and it is super important to be caught up on rest prior to your tattoo appointment- specifically if it is a larger piece. Tattoos, even small simple ones, are creating a bit of shock to your nervous system. After a large tattoo session you might feel fatigued, shaky, and even very cold. We swear there is such a thing as “Tattoo Flu”, and it is not fun. Making sure you’re well rested is key to being able to feel your best during your tattoo appointment as well as after. Being sleep deprived also increases anxiety if that is something you are naturally prone to, and you want to make sure to avoid that at all costs before undergoing something painful.
Hangry Much?
Protect those blood sugar levels! Eat a good balanced meal at least an hour before your tattoo appointment to avoid getting any symptoms of nausea associated with being hungry. If you have a longer session, plan ahead and bring snacks or plan on ordering food during a little break for the extra long ones. It is rare but we have seen people pass out after a tattoo and of course, their stomach was empty upon arrival. Your tattoo artist may like a snack too, just saying…
What We’re Trying To Say Is…
Your tattoo artist wants your new art to last you a lifetime and be just as beautiful as the day you got it, forever. Following these simple steps will help you become a tattoo artist’s dream client and they will look forward to seeing you again. Artists, if you feel like you missed the memo on client preparation and aftercare instructions, check out the Arizona Tattoo Academy for mentorship and training opportunities.
If you’re in the Scottsdale area looking for the tiniest and cutest fine line tattoos, we have quite the collection of artists that would love to take care of you!
We hope you enjoyed this read composed by Lanna of Bold Beauty Company. See you next time!